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"These days
oughta be doggone great!"
Davion Keith McDougal is not only the leader of the virtual band, but is also the very first character to be depicted in the Band Davion production stages. Regardless of the practice of unintentional similarities of actual people whether living or deceased, the character of Davion takes cues from two people - Alfred "Weird Al" Yankovic for the hair, and Lyons' father for the mustache. He has Danny Lyons as his 'musical partner' and mentor, and they work together on composing songs that have instruments and vocals sounding similar to songs released in the halcyon decades. 

Species: Dog
Birthday: June 7
Weight: 178 lbs
Height: 6'3
With a wise attitude and a consistent mindset, Davion appears to be a levelheaded and unruffled character. Ever since his evolvement in life, a maximum amount of puberty has endured him to the point where his voice would end up sounding like a certain Kellogg's Frosted Flakes tiger mascot. As a grand grown-up, Davion, for a good reason, wears bachelor clothing with a hat on top of his head - and that reason is so he can come off as a desirable figure. He tends to revive old-fashioned contents he collected when he was just a teen to an adult, more specifically posters, magazines, physical advertisements, music, and other visuals. In the long run, and with the help of his partner at his advantage, he and his voluntary group of musicians make recordings and other sessions possible.
Davion has an extremely bad milk allergy, thus he is lactose intolerant.
Copyright © 2021-2025 by CWK Artist Management. All rights reserved.  Band Davion, the DLE mascot, characters, names and all related indicia are trademarks of DLE Corporation.

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